Such a Strange Day...
OK, we know the monsoon season is upon us here on The High Plains of New Mexico... but we still find this sort of thing unusual:
And if that's not unusual enough... speaking solely of the oh-so-moderate temperature for the end of July... we had about eight hours of solid rain beginning around 0300 hrs today and lasting through the morning. Our storms here on THPoNM tend to be brief and rather violent affairs in that they come on quickly, dump a usually-small to moderate amount of rain on us, and leave just as quickly as they arrive. Rinse, repeat.
But last night we experienced a system that sorta just parked its huge damp ass over the entirety of east central New Mexico... like from Roswell all the way up to Tucumcari and all points in between... and lingered. And lingered some more, all the while dumping a steady sort of gentle rain punctuated with occasional bass rolls of thunder. This, of course, is not an entirely unwelcome event. We always need rain in this part of the world; we got a lot of it last night.
Here's the Unofficial Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park rain gauge:
And here's the general view out the back door of El Casa Móvil De Pennington:
It's still spitting occasional rain on us as we speak and it remains to be seen if we'll hold the usual, customary and quite reasonable Happy Hour today.
Aw, Hell... Who am I trying to kid? Of course we will. A lil rain never hurt anybody, according to Mom.
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