Selasa, 12 Mei 2009


Via LexLetter of Amends from a Recovering Liberal in Berkeley. Just a couple of excerpts:

Dear friends, family, loved ones, conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, my brother in law, Sam, and my cousin Joe: I am sorry and you were right.

These are not easy words for anyone to utter, much less a leftist from Berkeley, or a recovering leftist, that is. Even though I've been in recovery for 14 months, 2 weeks, and 3 days, leftists are always right in your face, in an I-hate-you-if-you-disagree sort of way. Hence, this letter of amends to all the people I've lectured, scolded, ranted and raved at, and otherwise annoyed during my 30 plus years of "progressive" politics.

My recovery program urges a fierce moral inventory, a cleansing of heart and mind (kind of like a "forgiveness tour" but without the scary dictators), so here goes:

To my brother in law, Sam, for blasting you in that Chinese restaurant for voting for Reagan, mea culpa.

To my cousin Joe for calling you a traitor when you became an MBA, started holding a real job (as opposed to most of us Berkeley types who are psychotherapists, massage therapists and aromatherapists), and became a conservative, my bad.

RTWT. It gets better.

Well, there’s hope… and then there’s hopeychange. I think the hope that comes out of a conversion in Berkeley… of ALL places… is more powerful than that of the hopeychange variety. Methinks we just might be seeing more of these conversions in the near future... amongst thinking people, anyway. I’ve long since given up hope (there’s that word again!) where the People and Us readers are concerned.

Just sayin’.

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