That graphic may be overstating the case, as my teevee sez it’s 54 degrees out. I was just outside to move the sprinkler around and it’s definitely chilly, but a lot warmer than the 46 degrees it was this morning when I got up. I wonder if I’ll have to fire up the furnace later on today/tonight. I'm thinking "yes."
We broke in our new coffee pot this morning. The old one lasted 875 days… which, all things considered (read as: the HARD water hereabouts)… isn’t all that bad. The old pot gave up the ghost yesterday morning, requiring three hits of the brew button to successfully complete the brew cycle. I’ve decided to be kinder to the new device and will only put store-bought spring water through its innards. That should extend its life somewhat… even though I was fairly conscientious about cleaning the old pot with vinegar every month or so.
Oh… and just how did I know the old pot’s age, down to the day? By going here and punching in the appropriate dates. Handy lil site, that.
Weirdness… Something strange has happened over the course of the last week. I’ve begun dreaming. Vivid dreams. Dreams that wake me up because of their intensity. The weird thing is I’ve never remembered my dreams throughout my entire life, with rare exceptions. I’ve read that everyone dreams… it’s just that some people don’t remember them… and that used to be me, until this past week. And now, all of a sudden here they are… in the most bizarre incarnations imaginable. I suppose “bizarre” is all in one’s mind, the inner workings of such being stranger in some folks than others.
But what else would you call a dream wherein you get into a bloody fist-fight with your ex-’s (relatively) new husband on account of said ex- asked you to be her Lamaze coach because “you did such a good job the first time?” And said ex- is well beyond an age where being “with child” is most certainly improbable if not impossible, let alone the fact that we rarely lay eyes upon one another. That was last night… and I sat straight up in bed once the blows started being exchanged.
Bizarre… and that’s just the tip o’ the iceberg. I know… TMI.
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