And about political blogs, in general: at some point in time I might post a rant on this subject, but it would be hard to top... or equal... what some of my daily reads (most especially Andy, Daphne, and Alison) have said on this subject in recent days. This "same ol', same ol'" boring crap from both the left AND the right just ain't good for your health, yanno? But it seems to be worse on the right, who appear much more adept at... and prone to... flogging dead horses than I would have believed possible. I never thought I'd say that...
And that was much more than I intended to say, come to think on it. I need a beer. (insert smiley-face thingie here)
Toon credit: the same, as always.
Update, 2100 hrs: Just in from an extended after-dinner whiskey session on the verandah... and I read this in comments:
Oh, Buck, please let us not fall into the trap of applying adjectives to other people's concerns. We live in America (some of it even a free state) and have the right to voice our views on anything. As for myself, were I in the unenviable position BO is, I'd haul out that real birth certificate and end the hue and cry. Only reasons I can think of that he doesn't? 1. It is not real. 2. Creating enmity instead of friendship is a goal of some.Well. We can agree on the beer. But as for the other? I can think of at least two other plausible reasons The One doesn't want his birth certificate made public.
But I'm going for a lager. The only I don't like is an unopened one.
(a) Suppose Mr. Obama is a legal bastard? Which is to say his mother and father weren't married when he was born... wouldn't YOU want to preserve your dead mother's dignity? Especially in America, where one can easily imagine the hue and cry about a "love child" occupying the White House. This is NOT beyond the pale.
(b) To continue to give the Lunatic Fringe enough rope to hang themselves, as if they haven't done so already. But this approach, if it is indeed the case, is simply clever politics. And it seems to be working.
Those are just two plausible reasons. But, yes, this is indeed America... where one is free to believe whatever stupid shit one chooses to believe. Cases in point: there are hundreds of thousands of Americans alive today who fervently believe the CIA was behind JFK's assassination. There are tens of thousands of Americans who believe Dubya was behind 9/11. ALL of these people are asshats, but they are asshats who are free to exercise their right under the First Amendment to believe what they want to believe and shout it from the rooftops (or their blogs) if the spirit so moves them. As are the Birthers.
And I'm free to call it as I see it, too. IMHO ALL conspiracy theorists are... in general... asshats, the Birthers included. But I repeat myself to an extraordinary degree (it's the Glenfiddich, more than anything). YMMV.
That aside... it was a most beautiful evening under the stars here on The High Plains of New Mexico. Tonight's sunset was moderately spectacular, in that there was enough dust aloft after a day of exceedingly brisk winds to cast the most remarkable pink glow across the entire visible sky. The winds subsided enough around dusk to make an extended stay outdoors (which is to say: two whiskeys rather than the usual, customary, and reasonable one) not only desirable but almost mandatory. So we listened to our Inner Drunk and complied. And we're glad we did.
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