Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

Cheesy Videos X: Birds

So... herewith a half-assed attempt at catching the daily Flocking of the Birds that occurs every evening here at Beautiful La Hacienda Trailer Park (and the ever-present reminder: best viewed in HD):

I say "half-assed" because my attempt at capturing this daily event was less than successful. While the birds don't quite "darken the sky" each evening with their presence, it's pretty danged close. One of the better aspects of this daily avian congregation is the cacophony of birdsong one hears. It's quite the experience, and very much something that falls into the "ya hadda be there" category. Nonetheless... it's somewhat apparent in the video above.

If you watch the video you'll note I said I was gonna go back into the house and pour my second whiskey of the evening... and that's exactly what I did. I can't think of a better way to kill the requisite half-hour (or so) it takes to upload a video to YouTube.

Besides that... sunset and its immediate aftermath is quite possibly my favorite time of day. Once the sun goes down the birds go to bed (and thus cease their incessant chirping until the morning... quite another story, that) and the night is given over to the quiet hum of air conditioners and the not-so-quiet hum of traffic on US 70, which is only about 400 yards from the verandah of
El Casa Móvil De Pennington. But... commerce being what it is... the traffic noises die down to a great extent as night overtakes us. It's a great time for quiet contemplation, and evenings here on The High Plains of New Mexico are oh-so-warm. Perfect, in other words. Once again: ya hadda be there (here).

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