Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Under the WX and One Other Minor Moan

I had a restless night and didn’t sleep well at all. I finally figured out what the Hell was going on around 0530 hrs this morning: I hurt. This wasn’t a dreadful, all-encompassing sort of pain but more of a low level deal centered in my lower back and thighs. So… I rolled out, took a couple of Aleves, fired off the coffee pot, and waited for the Aleves to kick in. I drank half the pot before the pain went away and then thought it a good idea to return to bed. And so I did.

I was awakened from a moderately good sleep about 20 minutes ago by the sound of my awning flapping and banging in the considerable breeze. Our wind subsided quite a bit yesterday, which allowed me to put the awning down and keep it down until just a few minutes ago. Alas, the wind has returned and it will be another 90-degree sort of day. But there is a silver sort of lining: it’s completely overcast. Ergo, no direct sun on El Casa Móvil De Pennington this afternoon.

Thank God for small favors.

I shall now return from whence I came: au lit. I hope this ain’t the flu or something like it. I kinda doubt it, though. More than likely it’s just simple creakiness due to Old Age… which ain’t for sissies.

Just so your visit here today isn’t a complete waste, here’s another photo from times past, specifically 10/20/2006:
Today’s Pic: Riotous color in a Santa Fe outdoor market - June, 2004. As always, click the pic for the larger version. In this case, you most definitely should look at the larger pic.
I need to get back up that way... soon.

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