Well, she sorta speaks for me. Daphne is off on a generalized rant against Blogger as a platform. I don't agree completely about that, as Blogger is VERY easy to use and is relatively hassle-free, compared to other platforms. And I HAVE considered moving to another medium, but have always stopped when I read of the hassles encountered by others with platforms such as WordPress. As a matter of fact, Lex's top post today is a cry for help concerning some arcana associated with the latest iteration of WordPress. We don't need the hassle... no, we most certainly don't.Random Friday night thought; I hate Blogger. The whole thing is a slow, unwieldy bastard for the user and pure hell for the reader trying to leave a comment. I wish all bloggers who do this hobby with some passion would change platforms to something more user friendly. Throw away your training wheels and start flying down the road, writer people. Let’s face it, comment windows that open in a little corner without the full post, suck big time. Comment windows that open without the full body of the post sitting right above, really suck. Making me key in random letters and numbers to leave a comment is the worst.
But about that capcha thing, otherwise known as the Security Word... I responded to Daphne thusly:
Making me key in random letters and numbers to leave a comment is the worst.I feel the same way about comment moderation, too. Moderation kills spontaneity and conversation among commenters and bloggers... especially when it isn't used in a timely manner. I understand some folks, like Blog-Bud Cynthia, get anti-military Leftards dropping perverse and obscene comments in their blogs on a routine basis. But that would be the ONLY reason I can see for comment moderation... that being you have a history of stalkers and idiots haunting your blog. Otherwise? Not so much. Not at ALL, in most cases. But, Hey! To each his own, and all that. Your blog, your choice.
That's MY pet peeve about people who use Blogger. If you're one of the Big Dogs who gets thousands of hits an hour, using capcha will keep spam-bots away. But if you're small fry with 200 hits or less a day, what's the frickin' POINT, other than to irritate your audience?
That said... I know from reading other people that Wordpress ain't all THAT easy. Blogger, for all its faults, is largely hassle-free. I like that.
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