Kamis, 22 Januari 2009


I made a rather left-handed reference in times past to that huckster Billy Mays, a guy whom I hold in utter contempt. There isn’t a single solitary soul on my teevee who makes me dive for the remote faster than Billy. The guy set the Obnoxious Bar at what I thought was an impossibly high level… one that would never be topped. But the impossible has been done. Mays has been exceeded… and by a margin so wide as to be unbelievable... by this guy and his freakin' headset:

Yanno what’s worse? “Vince” is now doing MORE ads for other crap no one needs, too. Nothing succeeds in America like excess... tacky, tacky excess.

Just for grins and giggles… Here’s Billy in a rather clever mash-up. I hate actively dislike Billy Mays, but I found this amusing…


There is good news here on The High Plains of New Mexico...

There most certainly WILL be a Happy Hour today!

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