Minggu, 23 November 2008

Eagles and Vipers and Warthogs… Oh My!!

Via Blog-Bud SJS… one of the absolute BEST pieces I’ve ever seen about Red Flag. The video is long at nearly 50 minutes, but just look at it as a movie… a great good movie… on your computer screen. There’s some of the best plane-pr0n I’ve seen in a long time herein.

So… it goes without sayin’, but there are more airframes in this video than you can shake a stick at… including tankers, helos (the Search and Rescue [SAR] sequence is great!), trash-haulers, AWACS, and brief cameos of our foreign allies participating in Red Flag. The usually unsung heroes… like the BB-Stackers (ordnance guys), crew chiefs, back-shop maintainers, and AWACS guys… get air-time in this film as well. It takes a helluva team to operate a combat air arm (note I didn’t say “Air Force,” out of deference to USAF’s allies), and this video emphasizes that fact. Simply brilliant.

But then again, I’d think so… wouldn’t I?


G-Mail came out with a pretty cool feature yesterday… themes for your in-box. Here’s mine, followed by the options you have…


Schadenfreude ‘R’ Us… I received an e-mail from Blog-Bud Morgan yesterday… letting me know that The Weather Channel had “… axed the entire staff of the ‘Forecast Earth’,” which presumably includes one of The People I Love to Hate Actively Dislike… ClimateExpertDoctor Heidi Cullen. It would be a great good thing if I never saw that woman… ever again… for the duration of my life. As for the rest of the folks laid off by TWC? They have my sympathy. But most certainly not Cullen, nor her sidekick Natalie Allen. Good riddance to those two. Maybe now TWC will dedicate ALL its resources to something like…oh, I dunno… weather reports?

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